Sunday, January 07, 2007


result aku?? ok la... x dapat DL pun. Tapi alhamdulliah, x da yang fail.

Keje aku kat office ok. So far aku enjoy keje kat office aku yg berlokasi di USJ 16 ni. OOO ya, sebelum aku terlupa, SELAMAT HARI RAYA KORBAN ingin aku ucapkan kepada semua manusia yang menyambutnya.

In couple of week, semester baru dah nak buka. Hmm... back to the normal routine life. Tapi im looking forward to serve as a facilitator as I did last semester.

Im now chatting with Ashwad, via YM. We are arguing about... the learning process lah... he said that the learning is about creating pemikiran kraetif dan kristis.

Aku plak cakap, in learning process, kita kena dapat recognition. So that people will respect and will give u better jobs.

Tapi in the end, i came to the conclusion, the more important matter is the learning process...and the experience.